Gregorianske melodier for fastetiden

Media_vita-dominicanÅ synge dagens siste tidebønn, kompletorium, er en rolig og fredfylt måte å avslutte dagen på. I fastetiden er den særlig vakker med egne gregorianske hymner, responsorier og antifoner: hymnen Christe, qui lux es et dies, responsoriene In pace og Media vita og antifonene Evigila super nos og O Rex gloriose.

Media vita in morte sumus peker fram mot langfredagsliturgien, der noen av de samme ordene kommer igjen: Sancte Deus, sancte fortis, sancte et misericors Salvator… Du kan høre dominikanerbrødre i Oxford synge den på Youtube.

Alle melodiene finnes i den nye samlingen Cantus selecti OP med dominikansk gregoriansk musikk for alle årets liturgiske tider. Det er også innspillinger å få tak i, blant annet CDen Gregorien Chant – Dominican Liturgy.

Oslo: 800-årsjubileet avsluttet med fremtidsperspektiv, bønn og fellesskap

OP familie OsloEtter å ha feiret dominikanerordenens 800 år i hele 2016 kom den dominikanske familie i Oslo sammen lørdag den 21. januar 2017 for å diskutere veien videre, be sammen og ha en familiefest. Og familien, det er brødrene i St. Dominikus kloster, søstrene på Lunden og Sta Katarinahjemmet og legdominikanerne.

Vi startet med et seminar over spørsmålet “Quo vadis?”. Sr Agnes David Lalu OP satte tankene i sving med innlegget Quo vadis? Dominikansk fremtidsperspektiv. Frater Ellert Dahl OP utviklet emnet videre i sitt innlegg, se sammendrag av frater Haavar Simon Nilsen OP. Les videre

Jubilée of the de Order in Lund : Word and Truth

The following presentation was given as a part of the 800 years jubilee celebrations in Lund on May 20-22, 2016 by the Master of the Order, Bruno Cadoré OP.

Bruno Cadoré OP

This title Word and Truth – chosen for this dialogue at the time of the celebration of the Jubilee about the Preachers – clarifies the horizon even of the mission of the Order. We indeed like to say that the Order – nuns, sisters, laity, brothers – are joined together in a common seeking the truth, of which they wish being the “servants” in the middle of their contemporaries.

In a context of deep changes of the knowledge, societies, Church, Domingo de Guzman wanted this Order entirely devoted to the Word. But, we well know that Christianity is not the religion of a “book”: it is the religion of a “word” addressed to humanity by The One which is Alpha and the Omega. To be a preacher, it is to put oneself at the service of this addressed Word, to engage all his or her life to be servant of the conversation which God – as revealed by Jesus-Christ – wishes to maintain with humanity that It created, with which God establishes an Alliance, and with which He promises the grace to be one day in full communion with Him. Les videre

Beautiful Feet: The 3-fold knowledge of Dominican Preaching

The following presentation was given as a part of the 800 years jubilee celebrations in Lund on May 20th, 2016 by sr. Catherine Droste OP.

Dominic preaching Christ.JPG - Lund (May 2016)800 Years of Dominican Joy; 800 years of men and women participating in this joy – not only the members of the Order but also the millions outside the Order who have been touched by the joy of Dominic and his followers throughout the centuries.


Dominican joy overflows – it proliferates, extending beyond the individual to impact the lives of others. Yet, what is the essence of this joy – and what is its source? Les videre

Government, Spirituality and Freedom

On the feast of St Dominic we present a letter from the Master of the Order, Bruno Cadoré:

Dominic: Government, Spirituality and Freedom

Dominikus‘If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:31-32); ‘For freedom Christ set us free’ (Gal 5:1)

The truth will set you free! Echoing this promise of Jesus, the image that is forced on me is that of the group that walked with Jesus, announcing the kingdom from town to town. Each one in their own way had been freed. Freed from the weight of their mistakes, the impasses of their lies, the heaviness of their history, from alienating divisions … driven by the desire of their Master and Lord to go even to other cities, they accompanied him, confident so as to hold themselves, with him, in a Breath that made them day by day more free to be themselves, free to have been given this friendship offered by God with His Son, free to be sent. Free to be disciples of Christ and in turn to invite others to join them. It is the Breath of Jesus’ preaching that sets them free, even though they had perhaps not really considered what they had become involved in by responding to his invitation to follow him, or by joining him on their own initiative in appreciation of the mercy which was his grace to them. By staying by his side in his proclamation of the kingdom, they discover that they are becoming even more free than they had ever dared to hope. Free because of the Word of their friend and Lord. ’If you remain in my Word, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’. Freed by the Word of truth! Les videre

Laudare, benedicere, praedicare

Official jubilee OP-hymnIn preparation for the Dominican 800th anniversary, the Liturgical Commission of the Order hosted a contest for an official hymn for the Jubilee.

The hymn that was selected has been composed by brother Giuseppe-Pietro Arsciwal, OP from the Province of the Philippines. The title of the song is one of the mottos of the Order: “Laudare, benedicere, praedicare”.

You can read more about this joyful song, listen to it, sing along and learn it, by opening the article “Laudare, benedicere, praedicare”: Official Hymn on the Jubilee of the Order on the Jubilæum 800 1216-2016 Ordo Praedicatorum website.

Bønn for 800-årsjubileet

Bønn og kontemplasjon er grunnlaget for all dominikansk virksomhet. Derfor er det skrevet en egen bønn for 800-årsjubileet som alle søstre, brødre og lekfolk oppfordres til å be som forberedelse til feiringen. Den engelske versjonen er slik:

St Dominic walkingGod, Father of mercy,

who called your servant Dominic de Guzman

to set out in faith

as itinerant pilgrim and preacher of grace,

as we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee of the Order

we ask you to pour again into us

the Spirit of the Risen Christ,

that we might faithfully and joyfully proclaim

the Gospel of peace,

through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.


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